Everywhere anarchism is on the upswing as a political philosophy, except the academy. Anarchists repeatedly appeal to anthropologists for ideas about how society might be reorganized on a more egalitarian, less alienating basis. Anthropologists, terrified of being accused of romanticism, respond with silence . . . . But what if they didn’t? This pamphlet ponders what that response would be, and explores the implications of linking anthropology to anarchism. Here, David Graeber invites readers to imagine this discipline that currently only exists in the realm of possibility: anarchist anthropology.
Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology
For David, anthropology and anarchism were conceptually linked – both posited a horizontal and open-ended commitment to common projects; like anarchism, anthropology depends on an effort to understand what the other thinks and feels; in other words, the method of anthropology is the spirit of anarchism. In this brief text, David traces the shared intellectual genealogy of both traditions to illuminate the way an anarchist social theory could reveal the endless variety of human societies.
by Andris Suvajevs
Chinese (Simplified)

Yuk Hui
Pages: 120Czech

Martin Ritter
Pages: 104Danish

Rasmus Graff
,Mai Corlin
Pages: 93
Rasmus Graff
,Mai Corlin
Pages: 93English


Karine Peschard
Pages: 128German

Werner Petermann
Pages: 120Greek

Spyros Kourouklis
Pages: 160Indonesian


Alberto Prunetti
Pages: 103
Alberto Prunetti
Pages: 136Japanese

Iwasaburo Takaso
Pages: 197Korean

Na Hyeon-young
Pages: 192Lithuanian

Viktoras Bachmetjevas
Pages: 128Polish

Pages: 78Portuguese

Pedro Ferreira
Pages: 184Russian


Polona Poberžnik
Pages: 105Spanish

Ambar Sewell

Ambar Sewell
Pages: 128Turkish

Bengü Bade Baz
,Bengü Kurtege-Sefer
Anthropology Against the State:
A Review of David Graeber's Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology
Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology
On the Inseparability of High Theory and Low Theory:
A Critical Review of David Graeber´s Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology
Review of David Graeber,Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology
Book Review: Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology
Steven Shaviro, professor in English at Wayne State University
David Graeber's Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology is filled with interesting and provocative ideas. Graeber wants to ally the discipline of anthropology with the anarchist currents that have shown up, most recently, in the anti-globalization movement. Each, he says, has a lot to offer the other.