Odd things happened in fall 2011 as Occupy Wall Street began to inhabit down- town Manhattan. People rode the subway carrying signs that touted the merits of the Glass-Steagall Act; they started sidewalk conversations about corporate person-hood and about the social purpose of derivatives.
in media
Fun with David Graeber
Play is, if anything, the basis of all physical reality, it’s the ultimate natural principle. And if you think of the world that way, it’s a very different place.
Transcribed from This is Hell! Radio‘s 8 February 2014 episode and printed with permission.

Imagination – the Solution for Society’s Problems – interview with David Graeber
Milenko Srećković interviews David Graeber on main ideas of his work like direct democracy and direct action, and the importance of imagining the future.

Imagining a world with no bullshit jobs
In this interview about his book on bullshit jobs, David Graeber discusses the role of unions, the challenges posed by automation and “the revolt of the caring classes.”

Interview with David Graeber about american elections
Nika Dubrovsky sat down with the famous anthropologist to discuss whether or not we should expect Trump to take any steps to deconstruct the American global Empire
Ellen Evans and Jon Moses interview Graeber on Madagascar, anarchy, democracy and debt, and how all these implicate each other.

Interview: David Graeber, leading figure of Occupy
An interview conducted by J P O'Malley about "The Democracy Project" and it's philosophical questions around the history of democracy. What does democracy actually mean? And how can we aim to live in a society where everyone has an equal input into the decision-making process of how government works?

No. This is a Genuine Revolution – Interview with Graeber by Evrensel Newspaper
An interview around Graeber's trip to Rojava, the "democratic experiment" of the Syrian Kurds and the hope it instilled about the possibilities of the future.

Prefiguration of a Common Dream: An Interview with David Graeber
by David Graeber in conversation with Zaki Abbas and Qalandar Bux Memon

Teach Me if You Can: An Interview with David Graeber
In 2005, David Graeber gave an interview to the Left-Wing magazine, Toward Freedom. This interview followed David Graeber's termination from his job at Yale and how David's activism led to that termination. This interview discussed that termination and the interesting politics of the time in the Global Justice Movement that David was involved in.

The era of predatory bureaucratization – An interview with David Graeber
Back in 2016, David Graeber did an interview about predatory bureaucratization. In the interview, political movements are discussed and ways to overcome predatory bureaucratization. The interview came shortly after the debt crisis in Greece and the election of the Left-Wing Syriza Party.

The movement as an end-in-itself? An interview with David Graeber
An interview conducted by Ross Wolfe around the #Occupy movement , its predecessors and the overall practical implications of anarchist thinking.