There’re 43 people. You're viewing page 2 of 4.

Debbie Bookchin

Debbie Bookchin is a long time journalist and author who has won awards for her news, feature, and investigative reporting. In addition to her book The Virus and the Vaccine, she has written for numerous publications including The New York Times, The Atlantic, the New York Review of Books, and The Nation, and coedited a book of essays by her father, Murray Bookchin, called: The Next Revolution: Popular Assemblies and the Promise of Direct Democracy. She served for three years as Bernie Sanders’ press secretary when he was first elected to Congress.

Frederic VandenBergh

Frederic VandenBergh is professor of sociology at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IFCS-UFRJ) in Brazil.
Frederic knew David Graeber from his work at Yale University and, together with Douglas Porpora, shared David’s interest in Critical about Critical Realism.
They host an open lecture about Critical about Critical Realism and Roy Baskar in Museum of Care reading group.
You can see it here.
“The techno-capitalist world has indeed become an ‘iron cage’, as Max Weber intimated in the final pages of The Protestant Ethic, but precisely because we are going through ‘dark times’ once again, we desperately need to open a little window on the world and let in some light and colours to illuminate our caged existence. …[ I do not]  contest that moral revolt is a precondition of collective action or that moral indignation can fuel social change, but instead of mobilising the ‘passions triste’s (anger, resentment and fear), why not mobilise the ‘passions joyeuses’ (awe, empathy and generosity)? Why not try theorising from the heart (rather than the stomach) and philosophising with the open hand (rather than the closed fist)?”
Except from the Introduction to Frederic VandenBergh’s ‘What’s Critical about Critical Realism’

Havin Guneser

Havin Guneser is an engineer, journalist, and women’s rights activist who writes and speaks extensively on the topic of revolution in Rojava. She is one of the spokespersons of the International Initiative “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan—Peace in Kurdistan” and translator of several of Öcalan’s books.

Jacques Servin (The Yes Men)

Jacques Servin is an American media artist and activist. He is one of the leading members of The Yes Men, a culture jamming activist group. Their exploits in “identity correction” are documented in the films The Yes Men (2003), The Yes Men Fix the World (2009), and The Yes Men Are Revolting (2014). As Ray Thomas, he is a co-founder of RTMark.

Jeremy Corbyn

A British politician who served as Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition from 2015 to 2020. A Member of Parliament (MP) for Islington North since 1983, Corbyn is on the political left of the Labour Party and identifies as a socialist.