In this collection, David Graeber revisits questions raised in his popular book, Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology. Written in an unpretentious style that uses accessible and entertaining language to convey complex theoretical ideas, these twelve essays cover a lot of ground, including the origins of capitalism, the history of European table manners, love potions in rural Madagascar, and the phenomenology of giant puppets at street protests. But they’re linked by a clear purpose: to explore the nature of social power and the forms that resistance to it have taken, or might take in the future.
Their goal: to explore the nature of social power and the forms that resistance to it have taken—or might take in the future.
In this collection, David Graeber revisits questions raised in Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology. These twelve essays cover: the origins of capitalism, the history of European table manners, love potions and gender in rural Madagascar, the phenomenology of giant puppets at street protests, and much more. Their goal: to explore the nature of social power and the forms that resistance to it have taken—or might take in the future.
Title: Possibilities. Essays on Hierarchy, Rebellion, and Desire
First Published: 2007
ISBN: 9781904859666
Publisher: AK Press
Pages: 400
Title: Possibilités : Essais sur la hiérarchie, la rébellion et le désir
First Published: 2023
ISBN: 9782743660055
Publisher: Payot et Rivages
Pages: 416
Title: Στο λυκόφως των πρωτοποριών, Η ανάδυση των σύγχρονων κοινωνικών κινημάτων
First Published: 2012
ISBN: 9789608970595
Publisher: Stasei Ekpiptontes
Pages: 265
Title: 가능성들
First Published: 2016
ISBN: 9788976827982
Publisher: Greenbee
Pages: 672