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About David Graeber
What David Graeber Noticed by Nathan J. Robinson
Anarchist, anthropologist, activist: Graeber’s defiant insistence on the value of freedom, joy, and questioning the unquestionable should leave a lasting imprint on the left.
Odpočívej v nepokoji, Davide
A2larm | Eliška Plíhalová
Minulý týden nečekaně zemřel jeden z nejvlivnějších myslitelů současnosti – antropolog a anarchista David Graeber. Přinášíme vzpomínku jedné z jeho bývalých studentek.
David Graeber, Africanist
Africa Is a Country | Christopher J. Lee
David Graeber (1961-2020) started his career as a scholar studying Madagascar and that informed what became his popular ideas about anarchism, debt, and globalization.
The anthropologist in an economist world
Altered States of Monetary Consciousness | Brett Scott
In tribute to David Graeber, 1961-2020
Anthropologist David Graeber passes away
ANF (Firat News Agency)
David Graeber died in Venice at the age of 59. He was a close friend of the Kurdish people.