About David Graeber
How David Graeber Changed the Way We See Money
The New Republic| Matthew Zeitlin
The radical anthropologist, who died this week, was that rare figure: a scholar who was also an activist.
Why the Press Is Quick to Describe White Black Lives Matter Protesters as Antifa
The Stranger | Charles Mudede
This week I lost friend. David Graeber is his name. He died in Venice at the age of 59. His second-to-last letter to me that morning, June 12, provided something that, as time passed, came closer and closer to an answer for why so many white people are supporting Black Lives Matter in the second cycle.
David Graeber, anarchist, ‘anti-leader’ of Occupy Wall Street and LSE professor – obituary
The Telegraph
He was credited with the Occupy movement slogan ‘We are the 99 per cent’ but won a wider audience with his book about ‘bullshit jobs’
David Graeber obituary
The Times (UK)
Anarchic and bohemian anthropologist, author and ‘anti leader’ of the Occupy Wall Street movement against globalization and capitalism
Debt: Debt is a key disciplinary mechanism under capitalism; a power relation that causes financial, cultural and spiritual misery. (AUDIO)
The World Transformed via Spotify
In this episode we debunk the myths and moralising that surrounds debt, and hear from those developing creative alternatives to an indebted existence. This episode is dedicated to the memory of Professor David Graeber.