In this collection of essays, David Graeber examines the unraveling of capitalism and the seeming lack of alternatives, arguing that perpetual growth on a finite planet is unsustainable. While many cling to the current system out of fear of worse alternatives, David suggests the political imagination is not as limited as it seems. Drawing from politics, art, and creativity, he explores new possibilities for redefining common sense and reimagining what people can expect from the world and each other.
Revolutions in Reverse: Essays on Politics, Violence, Art, and Imagination
They proceed by reinventing the dynamics and norms of social life, bringing these new life forms out in the public to celebrate, only to culminate in often violent clashes with the state. The interplay between violence and imagination was central to David’s work especially as they related to the possibility of pursuing forms of value other than money. It reiterates a call David made throughout his works to create a new language and a new common sense which he perceived as the ultimate kind of revolution.
by Andris Suvajevs

Title: Revoluce naopak
First Published: 2014
ISBN: 9788090530966
Publisher: Broken Books
Jaroslava Novotná Kočová
Pages: 152English

Title: Revolutions in Reverse
First Published: 2011
ISBN: 9781570272431
Publisher: Autonomedia
Pages: 106

Title: Revolutions in Reverse
First Published: 2011
ISBN: 9781570272431
Publisher: Autonomedia / Minor Compositions
Pages: 120

Title: Révolutions à l'envers
First Published: 2023
ISBN: 9782743662417
Publisher: Payot et Rivages
Pages: 130

Title: Κίνημα, βία, τέχνη και επανάσταση
First Published: 2009
ISBN: 9789608970540
Publisher: Stasei Ekpiptontes
Spyros Kourouklis
Pages: 161Norwegian

Title: Revolusjoner i revers
First Published: 2018
ISBN: 9788202578572
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Lars Holm-Hansen
Pages: 181Turkish

Title: Tersine Devrimler
First Published: 2014
ISBN: 9786051417226
Publisher: Everest
Asli Esen
Pages: 135