Spies, voting machine companies and Big Pharma are still your natural enemies.
People’s memorials and letters
David Graeber’s Breakfast by Goh Byeong-gwon
David's death is still difficult to believe, even though quite some time has now passed. When I heard the news, I sat down with a thud. I could not feel anything, not even sadness. It was as if a bullet had passed through my body. I felt a certain energy, a certain joy had left me at that moment.

Letter from Heiko
his existence, his way of looking at the world, his words, were
so exciting, so powerfully positive, that I had, in the months before
his death, come to consider David one of the hopeful, wonderful, things
about humanity.
by Nika Zarazvand
He didn't care who paid him he stood with people everywhere. I want to share his words from when he visited Rojava in the very last part of my undergrad thesis at Yale where he once taught. here's to every eye roll I got when I mentioned "anarchist anthropology."
by Connor Keep
I am 19, and recently moved to New York. I remember stumbling upon first coming across David's ideas through lectures on youtube. I remember first being introduced to the Rojava struggle through David's connection to it as an 18 year old.
Marielle Sicre
I'm a working-class nobody whom David inspired to believe she could become an anthropologist. I was dreaming about writing under his guidance one day. Is there anything I could do for you right now? Anything at all? Besides holding you in my breath, with all the love that I have?
by David Charles
David Graeber, author of one of the most influential books I’ve ever read—Debt: The First 5,000 Years—died earlier this week.
By Jessica Smith
I didn’t know David Graeber. I’m a 24 yr old girl living in Pennsylvania, USA. I work for fair treatment of prisoners.
By Marshall Sahlins
Kings. It was already apparent in the twentieth century to the anthropologist A.M.Hocart, one of David’s favorites, that as he said, “So far from having done with divine kingship, we seem to be returning to it in a more virulent form.”
A letter to Nika
Dear Nika,
I hope you are well, and I hope it isn’t too strange for me, a stranger, to be emailing you.
A short report from Gdynia
The weather was absolutely beautiful, the children’s playground packed to the brim – they had their carnival, that’s for sure! I was there for an hour and a half and since nobody came, I packed things up and went to my parents. I couldn’t live down nobody even trying to put a pin on the map in the so-called Poland so I did try.
By Hossain Cyrus
Hello Miss Dubrovsky,
I hope this email finds you safe and healthy. I have been thinking about writing this email for a long time. I couldn’t decide what to say or how to say, not because I didn’t know enough but because I felt too much and didn’t figure out how to do justice to the feeling I am to address.