Value as the importance of actions.

The theory of value presented in the next essay was developed in the 1980s (largely by anthropologists in the University of Chicago) and ‘90s (largely by myself) so it occurred to me, this being a new millennium and all, it might be helpful to the reader to provide something of an update. Something to demonstrate how this rather abstract theory can be useful for something.

Value, politics and democracy in the United States

This article examines the role of values in the political discourse of the last decade in the US. It embarks from what many observers had described as a puzzle: the fact that significant parts of the American working class voted against their economic interests but in line with what they perceived to be their values.

Verraten und verkauft

Die Türkei hat die Kampfzone in Syrien nach Westen verlagert, nach Afrin, bis dahin eine Insel des Friedens

Völkermord mit Leopard

Es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass die ethnischen Säuberungen, die auf türkische Streitkräfte und die mit ihnen verbündeten islamistischen Milizen zurückgehen, als Kriegsverbrechen einzustufen sind.

Wall Done

The single most dramatic moment of the protests in Quebec came on the first day of the summit, when the thousands of protesters who had marched through the city finally reached ​“the wall.”

What’s the Point If We Can’t Have Fun?

My friend June Thunderstorm and I once spent a half an hour sitting in a meadow by a moun- tain lake, watching an inchworm dangle from the top of a stalk of grass, twist about in every possible direction, and then leap to the next stalk and do the same thing.

When Police Attack

I spent 15 hours handcuffed on a bus with 44 other people, all charged with a crime that everyone, including the police, knew perfectly well we did not commit.